Now open! Radio Pioneers of San Angelo exhibit at ASU’s Mayer Museum
2501 W. Avenue N, San Angelo, Texas, 76904Open Tuesday through Friday 10am to 5pm – Admission to Museum is free of charge
Radio Pioneers of San Angelo Museum Exhibit closes Mid-September - Only a few weeks left to see it!
FCC test prep class: June 21 (6p-9p) & 22 (9a-12p). License testing: June 22, 1p. Click here for more info.
2501 W. Avenue N, San Angelo, Texas, 76904Open Tuesday through Friday 10am to 5pm – Admission to Museum is free of charge
In case the embedded video does not appear, here is the link to the youtube video.
This listing is certainly not complete. But has been compiled with best efforts, from wesbsite archives, newspaper articles, and first hand sources. Send an email to if you have information to add to this historical record 2023President Bob Heiser W7IKTVP Dave Mulvey K5DCMTreasurer Matthew Morris K5ICRSecretary Palmer Wilson KI5WAQMember At-Large (fundraising, clubhouse remodel) Mike…
Link to view larger: 08 Jan 1922, Sun San Angelo Evening Standard (San Angelo, Texas) Note the names Carl Brinegar, Loran Laughlin, and Joe Goulden. All were later to become active members of the club when it formed later that year. The club still uses the amateur call sign W5QX which it inherited from… 15 Jun 1922, Thu San Angelo Evening Standard (San Angelo, Texas) 2022 marks the 100th anniversary of the founding of the San Angelo Amateur Radio Club. The club has engaged in a century of community service, STEM education, emergency preparedness, and disaster response. Founded in 1922, members from all walks of life have…
Can anyone help us date these photos? This Clubhouse served the club for many years until it was purchased from the club via eminent domain for the Loop 306 construction. The land this building sat on is now underneath the Loop. You might notice in the first phot that the call sign on the clubhouse…
Can anyone help us with the dates, and identifying these hams?