Become a Member or Be Our Guest!
A paid membership is not required to participate in our meetings or 99% of our activities, so you’re welcome come participate before deciding to support the club by paying dues. No one will ever pressure you to pay money to enjoy the programs and activities we offer, but your financial support helps us keep the lights on and repeaters running. If you are reading this, you’re invited to any Club meeting or activity!
Joining the San Angelo Amateur Radio Club is easy. Membership dues are $40/year. Dues paying members enjoy privileges such as clubhouse station access and voting rights in Club elections and Club business brought before the membership at large. Members’ dues and other financial support are critical to keeping our Clubhouse and repeaters maintained and operational. We mean it when we say that we could not do it without your support!
Our club uses HamClubOnline (HCOL) for membership management and email communications. Anyone, regardless of license or membership status, is encouraged to join our HCOL roster to receive Club communications and updates!
If you don’t have a call sign:
Self-registration through HCOL requires an amateur radio call sign. However, if you don’t have one, we can add you to the roster manually. Please send us an email at with your name, address, and telephone number (we do not share your information outside the Club). We will be happy to add you to the roster so you can keep up to date. The HCOL email list is the best way to know what’s happening in the club, in real-time.
If you’re a licensed amateur and would like to join the club:
You can join online anytime at and even pay by credit card (through PayPal checkout – no PayPal account required).
Go to

If you already have a HamClubOnLine account, log in with your existing username and password. If not, select “Register New” and create your personal account. Once at the main menu, select “Apply for Membership with a HamClubOnline Club” and then enter the club call sign “W5QX“.

Fill in the application with your information and select “Submit Application“
If you are a current or former member and would like to pay dues:
Go to and click “Pay Club Dues”

Enter your call sign or email address previously used with HCOL and click “Submit.”

Select the SAARC-W5QX (if member of multiple clubs) and then click the big blue “Renew” button.
Click the “Pay with PayPal” button. You might have to allow the popup window here.

If you have a PayPal account you can login now, or if you do not, click the “Pay with Debit or Credit Card” button at the bottom.

And you’re all done! We sincerely thank you for your support!