W5QX Turns 100! Club Birthday Party October 15th
All are invited to the SAARC 100th Birthday Celebration & Swap Meet! Events will be located at the SAARC Clubhouse, near Mathis Field/San Angelo Regional Airport.
The Clubhouse address is:
5513 Stewart Ln
San Angelo, TX 76904
Please email us at contact@W5QX.org if you have any questions. See you Saturday!
Schedule of Events
9:00am – 12:00pm: Tailgate Swap Meet – bring stuff to sell and take some more stuff home with you!
9:00am – 11:00am: Jamboree-On-The-Air – Scouts will be operating a get-on-the-air station
11:30am – Group photo
11:30am – BBQ Grill fires up to cook hamburgers & hot dogs. Additionally, homemade ice cream made in a unique way will be available!
12:00pm to 2:00pm – Food, friends, and fellowship
We will also be operating a special event HF station throughout the day, and will mail special edition 100th Anniversary QSL cards to the first 100 contacts!
Event Parking Map