7290 Traffic Net Meet & Greet Aug 3, 2024

Join us at the Clubhouse on Saturday, August 8th, 2024, as we welcome the 7290 Traffic Net folks from all over West Texas for a meet and greet picnic, and tailgate swap & sell. Event details below:

Information on the 7290 Traffic Net: https://www.7290trafficnet.org/

Visitors from all parts of West Texas are expected to attend, and we welcome any and all amateur radio operators to join us for the tailgate swap meet and lunch. Hamburgers and hot dogs will be provided at no charge to attendees, and there is no cost to drop your tailgate and sell, swap, or give away any amateur radio related items.

Event Location & Schedule as follows:
San Angelo Amateur Radio Club Clubhouse
5513 Stewart Lane, San Angelo, Texas 76904
Talk-in Frequency 146.94 Club Repeater, -0.6 Input, 103.5Hz Tone

8:00am Tailgate Swap & Sell Begins
8:30am Fox Hunt RDF Activity Begins
11:00am Grill lighting, Hamburger and Hot Dog lunch served around 11:30-11:45am.


Visitors from out of town (and locals who have not seen it yet) are also invited to see the “Amateur Radio Pioneers of San Angelo” museum exhibit, which will only be in place for another 6 weeks or so at the Angelo State University Campus.

The exhibit is open 10:00am-5:00pm on the campus of Angelo State University, located at 2501 W. Avenue N, San Angelo, Texas 76904 (about an 8-10 minute drive from the clubhouse.)

Facebook Invite: https://www.facebook.com/events/1000751588182225

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